My good friend Aaron "Projeck" Butler passed last night at the tender age of 19. Words can't express how much this brotha meant to not only me but to all his family and friends. He was one of the illest producers that I have ever heard in my life. He was a member of our crew, The CoLLecTiVe, Young Black Preachers, and an all-around warm-hearted person. Hope to see u again one day. Tell Dilla I said what up. MISS U BRO...
P.S.- I will be posting up a lot of his music as well as the ProFerb album that me and him have been workin' on for over a year. His legacy will live on!!!
R.I.P. Wish I got 2 meet him b4 he passed. The Collective
r.i.p. The Collective just gonna go even harder for you big homie
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